*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

On Sunday I put out a call for online candidate debates at all levels next
election.  I am amazed to see how fast my suggestion spread ... ;-)
- Steven Clift


Tuesday, October 3, 2000

Candidates' online debate breaks some new ground

DON CANTON, Bismarck Tribune

North Dakota made a stride toward democratic innovation Monday. Forty-four
citizens logged into a debate on the Bismarck Tribune's Web site between
Public Service Commission candidates Republican Tony Clark and Democrat Vern

The candidates covered a range of issues -- from alternative energy sources
to regulation of Internet content to establishing the state as a national
energy provider.

But as cultural communication guru and political activist Noam Chomsky said
almost 30 years ago, the medium is the message, and Monday night, the medium
was the story.

"The significance of the debate," said Keith Darnay, the debate moderator
and the Tribune's online service director, "is that it opened the door for
using the Internet to send the candidates' message directly to voters and
from voters to the candidates."

- end clip -


Buzz Xchange: Digital Democracy

                Dakota Buzz hosts formal and informal online
                meetings and debates with North Dakota
                candidates at all political levels. Scheduled events
                and their times will be posted in this area. Check
                back often for new events.

                        Just Held: Oct. 2, 6:30 p.m.:
                       A North Dakota Political First
                          A Formal Online Debate
                        Between Political Candidates

                  Public Service Commission candidates Tony
                Clark and Vern Thompson went go head-to-head
                 in a live, online debate hosted by Dakota Buzz
                         and The Bismarck Tribune.

                 To read a transcript of the event, Click Here.

                              COMING SOON:
                 Live, online debates involving candidates in nearly
                 all state government races (excluding state House
                and Senate). Details are coming -- check back often!

                      To participate in a debate, Click Here

                  To submit questions to the candidates prior to a
                 debate, Click Here. You MUST include your name
                   and town for the question to be used during the

                Important: Read the information regarding audience
                      participation. Click Here For Details.

                 To see details on the online debate format that will
                      be used by the candidates, Click Here.

                 To visit and explore the online debate rooms, Click

                  If you have a question or comment regarding the
                  online debate that isn't answered at this website,
                          Click Here to send an e-mail.

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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