*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

You hear comments about web use concentrating on a few major sites,
according to some of the numbers you can find on this site
<http://cyberatlas.internet.com/big_picture/traffic_patterns>, people
visit about 20 sites a month and that seems to be holding steady.

Assuming there is a concentration in the total time spent on fewer
sites (this needs proof) what might it mean?  Well, thinking about my
own behavior <http://www.google.com> I find that as search tools
improve I find what I am looking for much more quickly.  While people
are probably not exploring random links as much as they used to,
could this concentration of total web surfing actually be based on
more pin point hits into an ever vaster array of diverse Internet
sites.  While the navigation and search paths are commercial, I
continue to be amazed at how much of the content I "end up at" is
educational, non-commercial, and individually published.  I think
this bodes well for public interest content online.

Below are some First Monday articles that prompted this message.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:              Tue, 4 Sep 2001 08:41:30 -0500
From:                   "Edward J. Valauskas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                First Monday September 2001
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Reader,

The September 2001 issue of First Monday (volume 6, number 9) is now
available at http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue6_9/


Table of Contents

Volume 6, Number 9 - September 3rd 2001

Exploring Users' Experiences of the Web
by Barry Brown and Abigail Sellen

Can Navigational Assistance Improve Search Experience? A User Study
by Mazlita Mat-Hassan and Mark Levene

What Next for Internet Journals? Implications of the Trend Towards
Paid Placement in Search Engines
by Robin Henshaw

A Historical Overview of the Effects of New Mass Media Introductions
on Magazine Publishing During the 20th Century
by Quint Randle

Problems and the Epistemology of Electronic Publishing in the Arab
World: The Case of Lebanon
by Ramzi Nasser and Kamal Abouchedid

Copyright in a Frictionless World: Toward a Rhetoric of Responsibility
by Brendan Scott

Book Reviews


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First Monday Editorial Group


                             CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT
                 November 4-6, Heerlen/Maastricht, The Netherlands

                              Please distribute!

The impact on society of the technologies of "digitisation" has
transcended the limits of any single discipline. It is universal and
ubiquitous, affecting everything. But how does this digitisation
affect our basic concepts about society - such as value, community,
law, space?

This conference will bring together the world's leading thinkers and
doers in various fields - from anthropology to law, economics to
information technology - to ask: What, if anything, is new about the
way we redefine our understanding of these concepts?

Topics covered include:

- notions of value, non-monetary economic activity,
- measurement without prices, free software
- the meaning of money, electronic currencies

- communities, social networks
- reputation, trust and identity
- formal and informal law, dissappearing borders and Internet jurisdiction

- space, information and navigation
- political space, government, new media and freedom
- geographical space, access, impact and inequality

Format and speakers

This conference is uniquely designed to contrast opinions from
different disciplines in sessions linked by common themes: Value,
Community, Space. A special "Crosstalk" session each day brings
together participants from the different themes in debate, to elicit
a broader understanding of the issues that face us.

The conference emerges from First Monday's reputation as a source of
quality ideas and research on digitisation and society. Beginning
with keynote presentations from two of First Monday's well-known
editorial board members: Esther Dyson and Anthony Rutkowski, this
conference draws on First Monday's long list of authors, some of the
foremost thinkers in their fields. Confirmed speakers include

Wilfred Dolfsma, International Institute of Infonomics
Paul Duguid, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Kasper Edwards, Technical University Denmark
Andreas Harsono, Institute for Studies of Freeflow of Information, Jakarta
Leo van Hove, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bernardo Huberman, Hewlett-Packard Sand Hill Labs
Bernt Hugenholtz, Institute for Information Law, Amsterdam University
Christopher Kelty, Rice University, Houston
Bonnie Nardi, Agilent Technologies Inc
Bruce Perens, Open Source evangelist, Hewlett-Packard,
David Post, Temple University School of Law
Howard Rheingold, author, "The Virtual Community"
Richard Rogers, University of Amsterdam
Richard Wiggins, Michigan State University

Who should attend

This conference will offer insights into issues that are critical to
economic, social and technological development in Europe as well as
worldwide. It will appeal to everyone concerned with the emerging
understanding of digitization and its impact on society, policy and
business. We expect as participants academics, corporate officers,
government policy makers, thinkers and activists from around the


Online registration and hotel reservation forms, as well as the
conference programme are available at

The conference is jointly organised by First Monday - the peer
reviewed journal of the Internet (firstmonday.org) and the
International Institute of Infonomics (www.infonomics.nl). For more
information and sponsorship opportunities please contact Conference
Coordinator Kamini Aisola, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

------- End of forwarded message -------

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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