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In case you have wondered why the transfer of traditional political
news to the Internet doesn't seem to spark the interest and activism
people expect, perhaps it is related to the fact that text on the
computer screen needs to be seriously adapted to be persuasive and

Steven Clift
Democracies Online




WASHINGTON - Students who read essays on a computer screen found the
text harder to understand, less interesting and less persuasive than
students who read the same essay on paper, a new study has found.

Researchers had 131 undergraduate students read two articles that had
appeared in Time magazine - some read from the magazine, some read
the exact same text after it had been scanned into a computer.

"We were surprised that students found paper texts easier to
understand and somewhat more convincing," said P. Karen Murphy, co-
author of the study and assistant professor of educational psychology
at Ohio State University. "It may be that students need to learn
different processing abilities when they are attempting to read
computerized text."

Murphy said the results of this preliminary study cast doubt on the
assumption that computerized texts are essentially more interesting
and, thus, more likely to enhance learning.

"Given that there is such an emphasis on using computers in the
classroom, this study gives educators reason to pause and examine the
supposed benefits associated with computer use in classrooms," she
said. "This study provides a first step toward understanding how
computers might influence the learning process."

Murphy conducted the study with Ohio State graduate students Joyce
Long, Theresa Holleran and Elizabeth Esterly. They presented their
results Aug. 5 in Washington at the annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association.

The study involved 64 men and 67 women, all undergraduates at Ohio
State. The students read two essays that had appeared in Time, one
involving doctor-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients and the
other about school integration.

Before they read the essays, the students completed questionnaires
analyzing their knowledge and beliefs about the subjects in the

After the readings, the students completed questionnaires that probed
their understanding of the essays and also asked them about how
persuasive and interesting they thought the essays were.

One-third of the students read the print essays and responded to the
questionnaires on paper. One-third read the essays on a computer and
then responded to the questionnaire on paper. The final third of
participants read the essays on the computer screens and responded to
the questionnaire online.

The results showed that students in all three groups increased their
knowledge after reading the texts, and the beliefs of students in
each group became more closely aligned with the authors.

However, there were important differences, such as the fact that
students who read the essays on the computer screen found the texts
more difficult to understand. This was true regardless of how much
computer experience the students reported.

"In some ways, this is surprising because the computerized essays
were the exact same text, presenting the exact same information,"
Murphy said. The computerized texts even included the small picture
that appeared in the print edition.

"There is no reason they should be harder to understand. But we think
readers develop strategies about how to remember and comprehend
printed texts, but these students were unable to transfer those
strategies to computerized texts."

The students found the computerized texts less interesting than
printed text, which should be expected if they didn't understand the
computerized versions as well, she said.

Students who read the essays online also rated the authors as less
credible and the arguments as less persuasive. "Again, it may be that
if these students did not understand the message, they would not
judge the author to be as credible and might not find the arguments
as persuasive."

There were no significant differences between the students who read
the texts online and responded to the questionnaires on paper, and
those who read the online texts and also responded to the questions

Murphy said that if the college students in this study had difficulty
understanding computerized text, such text may present additional
hurdles for less competent readers.

"We shouldn't make it more difficult for children to learn, which is
why we need to be careful about how we use computers in the
classroom," she said.

"A lot of questions have to be answered before we continue further
into making computers part of the curriculum."


Contact: P. Karen Murphy, (614) 292-4872; [EMAIL PROTECTED] (It is
easiest to reach Dr. Murphy by e-mail)

Written by Jeff Grabmeier, (614) 292-8457; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Editor's Note: For more information on this study during the APA
meeting, contact Jeff Grabmeier at (614) 439-9033

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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