*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

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Date sent:              Fri, 27 Jul 2001 16:00:47 -0700
From:                   Hilary Naylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Re: online activism at TechSoup
Announcing TechSoup's <http://www.techsoup.org> latest national online
event, "Online Activism."

Join us July 30-August 3, 2001 in TechSoup's Community at

Does your organization need to find simple and effective ways to turn
citizens into activists? Do you know when to mobilize online activists
versus working offline? What are the best techniques for connecting
with your local community via Internet outreach? Discuss how to use
interactive tools such as message boards, chat, and email to promote
your agenda, advocate for your issues, and mobilize your constituency.

Topics Include:
*email petitions: do they work or not?
*updates: inform constituents about urgent issues.
*legislation: turn online activism into real-world change.

This event at
<http://www.techsoup.org/weekly.cfm?fileboard&mb5769408680110453> is
hosted and moderated by Hilary Naylor of CompuMentor, TechSoup's
parent organization <http://www.compumentor.org>. Expert guests
include Steve Clift of http://www.publicus.net and Ed Schwartz of
http://phillyneighborhoods.org, and the author of "NetActivism," the
bible of online activism.

Following the week-long event, TechSoup will archive the ongoing
discussion in its Virtual Community Forum on its message boards.

Kristin Rothballer, Outreach Manager
CompuMentor, 487 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Voice: 415.512.7784 x339 Fax: 415.365.2870

http://www.compumentor.org Bringing people and technology together to
strengthen our communities

http://www.techsoup.org Technology served the way nonprofits need it /
powered by CompuMentor

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^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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