Hi Maciek!

Nice to hear from Poland! You can already start translating using the transifex 
project: https://www.transifex.com/python-doc/python-newest/ that's where most 
of the translation looks to happen (except French which only happen on Github, 
we find it easier to review pull requests and comment on them than transifex).

You're the de-facto coordinator for this language, (there's no established 
process) so welcome on board :)

Feel free to start encouraging people to join (more efficient than trying to 
translate alone), I'll create you a repository on 
github.com/python/python-docs-pl as soon as it make sense ("enough" strings are 
translated), a few percent later we'll add you to the build so you can preview 
the doc on docs.python.org, and finally we'll follow the rules of PEP 545 about 
going public, being you'll need to have translated:

- 100% of bugs.html with proper links to the language repository issue tracker.
- 100% of tutorial.
- 100% of library/functions (builtins).

Julien Palard
Doc-SIG maillist  -  Doc-SIG@python.org

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