I (finally) came round to using this.
Couple of comments, though I'd better define the version I'm using.

1. Schema

Autolayout.rng headed
  Website Autolayout DTD V2.5.0
  Part of the Website distribution

  Please use the following formal public identifier to identify it:

  "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Website Autolayout V2.5.0//EN"

  For example:

<!DOCTYPE autolayout PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Website Autolayout V2.5.0//EN"


  Please direct all questions and comments about this DTD to
  Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwal

2. website.rng
  Website DTD V2.6
  Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Norman Walsh

  $id: website.rng, v 3.0 2008/02/09 12:00:00 davep Exp $

  Please direct all questions and comments about this DTD to
  Norman Walsh, <n...@nwalsh.com>.
  Dave Pawson, <da...@dpawson.co.uk>.

  Common declaration:


3. Stylesheets

<!-- ********************************************************************
     $Id: website.xsl,v 2008/03/04 19:33:14 hamilton Exp $

Which is my first comment really. It is hard to define what is what, and what goes with what?
Would it be possible to identify the prior version (possibly website 4
since it went with docbook4?) and this as ... six?

bottom line, it's hard to put together a suite for use.


I *think* it is common practice to use relative references for imports?
In two places website uses http references (and provides a catalog).
I'll leave it to others to suggest which is right / wrong.

HTML output.
   Possibly my initial setup, but I found it plain?
Not sure if the heading stuff is configuration or has defaults

Anyway, http://dpawson.co.uk/xpub/ shows the output, root page only.

does anyone else have time to work on this?

1. Resolve the oddities
2. Agree naming with the TC?
3. Provide an example site as Norm did with v4
4. Look at decoration.


Dave Pawson

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