Being nasty, both??

-----Original Message-----
Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: different depth of TOC for different elements

/ Alexander Kirillov 
| does anyone know how to make TOC's for different elements (book, part,
| chapter...) have different depth? I.e., I want TOC for the book only
| show parts, chapters, and appendices; TOC for part - only chapters; TOC
| for chapters - sect1 and sect2...
No, but I've got another TOC-related request in my queue (a TOC for the
element, regardless of what type it is; so chapters formatted by themselves
have TOCs but chapters inside a book don't).


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | If we could read the secret | history of our enemies, we should
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | find in in each one's life sorrow
                                   | and suffering enough to disarm all
                                   | hostility.--H. W. Longfellow

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