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The "php" page has been changed by gryzor:

  Please see the [[php-fcgid|following article]]
- == Using php as a DSO (deprecated) ==
+ == Using mod_php as a DSO (deprecated) ==
- This method is the oldest and slowest possible configuration. It is suitable 
for version 2.2 and older, and requires the use of the prefork mpm.
+ This method is the oldest and slowest possible configuration. It was suitable 
for version 2.2 and older, and requires the use of the prefork mpm.
+ === Why you shouldn't use mod_php anymore ===
+  * mod_php is loaded into every httpd process all the time. Even when httpd 
is serving static/non php content, that memory is in use.
+  * mod_php is not thread safe and forces you to stick with the prefork mpm 
(multi process, no threads), which is the slowest possible configuration
+ === How to use it anyway ===
  First, the module must be loaded:
    `LoadModule php5_module lib/httpd/modules/`

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