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The "MaintenancePage" page has been changed by SeanTimmins:

  == Touch a File Method ==
- This recipe is good because it can be simply programmed in a shell script or 
similar. Maintenance is enabled by 'touching' a single file on the file system 
and disabled by removing that file. In this example a generic piece of Apache 
configuration allows either individual virtual hosts to be put into maintenance 
mode, or the whole server. In practice, especially with a large number of 
virtual host, the maintenance configuration could be split out into an 
[[|Include]] file, 
or moved to the global 
 although in this case you may need to set {{{RewriteOptions InheritBefore}}} 
in each virtual host.
+ This recipe is good because it can be simply programmed in a shell script or 
similar. Maintenance is enabled by 'touching' a single file on the file system 
and disabled by removing that file. In this example a generic piece of Apache 
configuration allows either individual virtual hosts to be put into maintenance 
mode, or the whole server. In practice, especially with a large number of 
virtual host, the maintenance configuration could be split out into an 
[[|Include]] file, 
or moved to the global 
 although in this case you may need to set {{{RewriteOptions InheritBefore}}} 
in each virtual host.
  What is not included below is the 
configuration to enable the serving of the URI {{{/maintenance/index.html}}} 
itself as a page.
@@ -61, +61 @@

  == IfDefine Method ==
- This recipe requires that you modify {{{apachectl}}} to cope with 
'enabling/disabling' maintenance. The upside is that there are no file system 
checks, the downside is that it requires a full stop/start since you cannot 
pass a name that is interpreted by 
[[|IfDefine]] with a 
+ This recipe requires that you modify {{{apachectl}}} to cope with 
'enabling/disabling' maintenance. The upside is that there are no file system 
checks, the downside is that it requires a full stop/start since you cannot 
pass a name that is interpreted by 
[[|IfDefine]] with 
a restart.
  <VirtualHost *:8080>
@@ -109, +109 @@

+ == Maintenance with Exceptions ==
+ Sometimes it is advantageous to configure the server so that a few or even 
many IP address may bypass the maintenance page. Using the first example above 
as a template, we can create a 
that allows individual IP addresses or even IP ranges to ignore the maintenance 
setting. This recipe can easily be extended to allows class A or B ranges as 
+ {{{
+ <VirtualHost *:8080>
+   ServerName
+   DocumentRoot "/var/www/htdocs"
+   UseCanonicalName On
+   ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance/index.html
+   RewriteEngine on
+   RewriteMap exceptions /var/www/maintenance/
+   # Allow Individual IP addresses past maintenance page
+   RewriteCond ${exceptions:%{REMOTE_ADDR}} =OK
+   RewriteRule ^ - [L]
+   # Allow Class C ranges past maintenance page
+   RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.
+   RewriteCond ${exceptions:%1.%2.%3} =OK
+   RewriteRule ^ - [L]
+   # Redirect all request to a 503 return code when in maintenance mode
+   RewriteCond /var/www/maintenance/ALL -f [OR]
+   RewriteCond /var/www/maintenance/%{SERVER_NAME} -f
+   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/maintenance/index.html
+   RewriteRule ^ - [R=503,L]
+   # Redirect away from the maintenance page if not in maintenance mode
+   RewriteCond /var/www/maintenance/ALL !-f
+   RewriteCond /var/www/maintenance/%{SERVER_NAME} !-f
+   RewriteRule ^/maintenance/index.html$ / [R,L]
+ </VirtualHost>
+ }}}
+ Sample {{{}}} file
+ {{{
+ # Allow a single IP address through
+ OK
+ # Allow a whole Class C through
+ 172.20.0 OK
+ }}}

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