Hello all,

I'm updating the English translation of the Base Handbook from 3.5 to 4.2, and have run across a problem concerning which I'd appreciate some advice and feedback.

In Chapter 3, "Tables," the section following the heading *Creating Tables/Creation using the GUI* begins as follows:

"Database creation using the GUI is described in detail in Chapter 8, "Getting Started with Base," in the /Getting Started with LibreOffice/ book. Therefore only the main sources of error are described here."

The problem is that [the first sentence of] that statement is just plain false.

The GUI offers two ways of creating tables: Use Wizard to Create Table and Create Table in Design View. The /Getting Started/ chapter only provides instructions for using the Wizard. The Wizard only provides database templates with preexisting table and field names. If you want to design a database for any purpose other than the ones that the templates cover, it's useless.

So far as I can tell, there are no instructions provided anywhere in our documentation on how to create a table in Design View, which seems to me to be the method that most users are likely to use. (I could well be wrong about this, but if those instructions exist, they aren't located in the most logical place to look for them.)

Moreover, the /Getting Started/ chapter explains only how to create a flat, single-table database. (I'm not sure why you'd want to do that rather than just use a spreadsheet, but . . . .) The material in the handbook, on the other hand, assumes that you're building a relational database with multiple tables.

The reason I can't just ignore the problem is and go on is: The section that follows this introduction contains some new material in the German that needs to be translated. Translated super-literally, it doesn't make much sense. Good technical instructions are directed at the particular situation in which the user is going to need those instructions and tailored to the user's preexisting knowledge. That context is exactly what the current text doesn't provide, and what I need in order to put this stuff into comprehensible English.

Any and all advice appreciated.


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