Sorry Jarek,Auto correct on my phone decided to rename you Karen!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Wed., 16 Sep. 2020 at 3:50 pm, Laurie Hoffman via 
dog<> wrote:   Hi Karen,Not sure if you have had any 
replies to your post as I seem to miss receiving some at times.110degC sounds 
fine warm idle at 20degC OAT, almost too cool but this depends on some 
variables.Was your Dimona pointing into the wind or out of the wind?How long 
did you run it for when you checked the CHT?At 1200rpm in 20degC the L2000 will 
take a long time to warm up the heads and a longer time to warm up the oil 
especially if pointing into the wind.It would be more useful to check the CHT 
at extended taxiing power 1400-1600rpm if you are concerned about temps.Then of 
course during take off and climb when you should aim to remain below 180degC is 
the critical period.Laurie

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Tue., 15 Sep. 2020 at 5:12 am, Jarek Steliga<> 

I tweaked the metering needle in the carb and am not sure if the CHT is in the 
acceptable  range. The ambient temp was around 20 deg C.
What do you think?


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