On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 11:33:03 +0100, Ralph Corderoy <ra...@inputplus.co.uk>  

> Yes, back when installing Linux could be a chore, and we had Bournemouth
> Uni access, folks used to take their hardware along to get problems
> looked at.

There have been times recently where I've felt that would be helpful.

> Sounds good.  I don't know if having it as "formal" as the normal BUNIX
> meets would be a good idea though.  There you have three talks.  I'm
> happy to listen to a talk but preparing one is probably more time and
> effort than us non-BUNIXers can spare.  :-)

Sure - I was more implying a general open venue (not a specific BUNIX  
meet). With students around I don't think anyone can complain with  
university resources being used. And the room we use as a group is  
particularly open to *NIX folk. So I can't see there being a problem.

> Perhaps folks just milling around machines chatting and looking at 
> whatever's of interest on them or about them?  What do others think?

I think the 'non-standard-english' term here is "presactley"

> Then again, BUNIX meets are open to those that aren't Uni staff or
> students?  So DLUGgers are free to gatecrash those?

Of course - I didn't mean to gatecrash this discussion with advertising.

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