Hello and welcome
I don't post on this group very often, so most don't know me especially as I only ever attended one mtg at Dorch (2006/7 ish), soon after joining the mailing list.
I have a FreeNas based Raid 5 file store (4x500Gb discs) that I've had running for a few years now (it's where I back up everything(!) mostly Uni files, photos and music). It's not the latest (it's 0.69) and its quite slow, even with a quad Opteron, FreeNas is actually on a 1GB flash drive and R5 doesn't help, but I'm working on the axiom 'if it aint broke etc'. However if I can be of any help regarding implementing a NAS, I'll gladly discuss what I've done. It works just fine from my Windoze and Linux boxes. I also have a couple of single disc Ethernet LANdisks (bought as enclosures from Maplin LANdisc review <http://icablog.org/2007/01/landisk-network-drives/>), which I don't use any more as they only work with IE. @Ralph; I don't live that far from Litton Cheney, the other side of Bridport in fact. Perhaps a Dorch mtg every few months, as I gather most attendees are from the Bournemouth area and relatively few from the 'far' west. (its 20 miles to Dorch for me and the extra 30 into Bournemouth is sufficient to cause me an enthusiasm failure)
:-) Gemma

On 03/07/12 20:45, Graeme Gemmill wrote:
I have just found this LUG, so this is an introductory message. I have used Mandrake/Mandriva for several years, and read and occasionally contribute to the alt.os.linux.mandriva news group. Living in Litton Cheney, I intend to attend the next meeting held in Dorchester to meet other Linux users. This may be a bit early to be asking for advice/recommendations, but I am interested in implementing a Linux-based NAS to provide additional data security on my home network accessible from Mandriva and Windows OSs.

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2012-08-07 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
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