On Saturday, 6 August 2016 19:59:47 BST Patrick Wigmore wrote:
> On Saturday 06 Aug 2016, at 18:45:45, Terry Coles wrote:
> > ...what I need to know is can people play the samples on the
> > page below with a Windows Phone or older iPhone or iPad?
> I tried the page in Safari on my university-issued iPad Mini,


> I am not sure whether it counts as an old iPad. The hardware is
> getting on a bit, but the software is up to date.

Yes, I guess what I really need is testing by someone who has an old 'i' or 
Windows device which is no longer kept up to date by the vendor.

> The MP3 and WAV versions work. The OGG version does not.
> The MP3 version appeared to load entirely as soon as the page was
> viewed. It played back with no noticeable delay after pressing
> play.

That's what I expected.

> The WAV version appeared not to load onto the device at all until
> I had pressed play. It also played back with no noticeable delay
> after pressing play, while the rest of the file loaded in the
> background, which took about a second on my WiFi/ADSL connection.

That surprises me a bit, but if Safari is capable of playing the file while it 
is still loading, I guess it make no difference to the user.
> If nobody on this list has a suitable device, perhaps you or
> someone else could take advantage of the Open Device Lab
> Bournemouth to do this sort of testing.
> https://odl.wearebase.com/

That looks like a useful place.  I may pop along and have a look at it 
sometime, possibly when we have a prototype ready.

Thanks again.

Any other people out there with 'i' or Windows Mobile / Phone devices?   (I 
suppose I'm a bit optimistic asking for Windows stuff on a Linux List   )


                Terry Coles

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