Hi Paul,

> One thing to check carefully is the version of the router you have. 
> I bought a second Netgear WNDR3700 and ended up getting a version 5,
> which unfortunately is totally different hardware and incompatible
> with OpenWRT

Every time I'm in the market for a new broadband modem, like now,
I consider buying one supported by OpenWRT, but never manage it.
It's partially the difficulty in asserting that the box being bought
will still have the compatible innards, like your version 4 v. 5
problem, and also the general lack of modern devices available due to
the lag in volunteer effort.

I realise their specialised devices, but I'm surprised that projects
like OpenWRT don't settle on a collection of chips that they support
very well, e.g. good quality Linux kernel drivers, and then see if they
can crowdfund a device built around them.  I'd expect the manufacturers'
reference designs, published to flog their chips, would be a help.
There'd naturally be a bit of bike-shedding over what bells and whistles
it needs, but some of that might easily fall out from the main SoC
choice, etc.

Cheers, Ralph.

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