Sean Gibbins wrote:
> Sean Gibbins wrote:
>> All help appreciated, and I will post the result of my efforts.
> This is looking less painful than I thought it might be - phoned MS who
> said Acer will handle the refund, am on the phone to Acer now, listening
> to some nice music.
> It can't be this easy, surely?

Actually, it is reasonably straight forward.

The summary of this is that I need to ship the laptop to Acer within 28
days of purchase in order that they can remove the OS and ship it back
with a bare hard drive, again at my expense, within 3 days, along with
my refund for £20.30.

Something tells me that the best we can hope for from this is for our
principles to remain intact and some small change! I'll ask Ellen if she
can do without the laptop for another week and act accordingly.

For anyone in a similar position with Acer who is keen to push this, the
rewards are greater as you climb the Vista 'feature' ladder:

 - Windows Vista Basic = £20.30
 - Windows Vista Premium = £33.95
 - Windows Vista Business= £47.54
 - Windows Vista Ultimate = £61.12

In order to claim this you will need to call Acer tech support on 0870
853 1000 option 1 and raise a ticket within 28 days of purchasing your
laptop, and as mentioned you are liable for shipping both ways and the
process will take as long as it takes to courier the machine to and from
Acer plus up to 3 business days for them to process it.

For more details, call the number and they will forward a Word document
(irony noted there!) with all of the relevant information in it.


The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact 
mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows.
Frank Zappa

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