Peter Merchant wrote:
> I just came across the following: 
> As a relatively new user, I have discovered that (most) of the logfiles
> of activity are in /var/log, and I was wondering how I use them to check
> up on my system.
> Still wondering, but in researching I came across this. Hope it helps
> someone.

That looks like an interesting find Peter, thanks for the link.

I guess the question I would ask you is what are you looking to check on
your system?

I tend to dive into /var/log when there is something specifically wrong
and I am working on diagnosing the issue, but don't feel the need to
monitor anything in there as a rule.

If you have a intermittent issue that pops a specific error message into
a log file when it manifests, then I guess you could script something to
poll the log file periodically and let you know when it appears.

If however you want real-time monitoring of your system for the
availability of certain resources or services then I would look to
something like Awstats [1], although that's not trivial to set up
properly and probably overkill for a desktop machine.




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