
I came late, but this is what I remember.

When I arrived Tim was showing https://extensions.gnome.org/ which I'd not
seen before. Archlinux users will need to use Firefox since the latest
version of Chrome doesn't work with it. The Arch Wiki appears to suggest
installing extensions via a package anyway.

CPKS was singing the praises of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALGOL_68 as
well as questioning Golang's decisions to do away with assignments as
expressions and pre-/post-increment operators. There's a FAQ on this
https://golang.org/doc/faq#inc_dec which is consistent with Go's
opinionated design.

In a discussion about weird languages I mentioned TECO (Text/Tape Editor
and COrrector), an editor with a built-in language which looks like line
noise. For example:-


It's notable because a set of "Editor MACroS" written in TECO evolved into

I also mentioned the dwm window manager, http://dwm.suckless.org/ which is
written in C and is customized by editing the config.h file and
recompiling. Add-ons are supplied as source patches (
http://dwm.suckless.org/patches/ )

Tim and I were talking about our HP Microservers, ( e.g.
). We're both using WD Red drives.

Mine runs FreeNAS ( http://www.freenas.org/ ) and his runs Fedora Server (
https://getfedora.org/en/server/ ). FreeNAS uses BSD Jails to run plugins
in isolated containers. Tim is using Docker to do the same. We both
currently use Plex ( https://plex.tv/ ) but I was mentioning an alternative
that I want to try, formerly known as MediaBrowser and now named Emby (
http://emby.media/ ).

There was also a passing discussion about Android Open Source and the
ability to run Android apps on other platforms. I'll just throw in these:-

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