Benjamin M. A'Lee wrote:
> My understanding was the government weren’t pulling the plug, but that
> Bletchley Park wasn’t funded by the government in the first place and
> the government had refused to provide funding.

A friend of mine is an archaeolgist who has specialised in WWII 
archaeology in this country of late, and often laments the almost total 
loss of many valuable sites. I suspect it was a consequence of winning 
the war and losing the peace - times were pretty hard after the war from 
what I have read, and I wonder if there was little by way of resources 
for preserving the past when the future was, at the time, so insecure?

It's still a shame when you think of the effort and sacrifice that was 
involved that we have so little to show from that period.

> A shame, certainly, but I don’t think it’s quite on the same level
> (especially bearing in mind that Turing wasn’t the only person to be
> treated in such a manner).
Agreed, and once you start down that path I would imagine it goes on 
forever, although that's not to say the sentiment is unworthy of 

Perhaps by honouring his massive contribution to the war effort and 
modern computer science, while at the same time acknowledging his 
sexuality, and the fact that it was (a) not his choice, and (b) entirely 
his own business, we also acknowledge those otherless prominent folk who 
suffered similarly?


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