On 15/05/2020 10:56, Tim Waugh wrote:
> On Fri, 15 May 2020 at 10:29, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty
> <hamis...@live.co.uk> wrote:
>> I'm going to have one last go at getting GPU computing to work for
>> Folding soon, but if I can't make it work, does anyone think it's worth
>> doing CPU folding, or are the contributions so small as to be pointless?
> The CPU folding is important. Some of the simulations are only made
> available for CPU work.
>> Tim, I'd be interested to see how your KVM computing is going - you said
>> it was very slow over the call, but hoping it will speed up. I probably
>> won't do it, but I'm interested to see how well it works.
> Well, it's hard to say because of the estimated time remaining being
> so broken. But some tasks have completed so we can compare.
> Here is the 'bare metal' version, actually running inside a podman container:
> https://boinc.ibercivis.es/ibercivis/show_host_detail.php?hostid=2288
> The measured floating point and integer speeds are 6.53b and 136.5b
> ops/s, and the tasks generally take about 30,000s for v0.01 and 3,500s
> for v0.02.
> Here's a VM I was using:
> https://boinc.ibercivis.es/ibercivis/show_host_detail.php?hostid=3505
> and the measured floating point and integer speeds don't seem to have
> been filled in yet; they are still the default you get before you've
> even submitted a completed task.
> The tasks generally take about the same amount of time! But the credit
> received for them is much lower -- I have no idea why that is.
> I reconnected that VM using the correct project URL (oops) so now it
> shows up here:
> https://boinc.ibercivis.es/ibercivis/show_host_detail.php?hostid=4223
> I'll leave it going for a bit to compare some more.
> Tim.
> */
Well that's certainly interesting. Also good to know that CPU folding is
worth doing either way.

I was just about to reset my Ibercivis password, but I have not been
able to - it says it failed to send the email. Has anyone else had this
issue? I also can't start computing for them on my desktop until I
manage to recover my password.


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