
Sorry for the OT, but I feel that this is worth sharing.  An amendment to the 
Freedom of Panorama legislation in Europe has hit the headlines lately and 
threatens the rights of ordinary citizens to take and share pictures of 
buildings in 
Europe.  UKIP (predictably) are totally against it, but the story has been 
picked up by 
a number of media outlets including the Telegraph and the Independent, so it 
clearly could be a problem.  A fairly balanced view of the situation is given 
in the link 
below and their take is that the amendment may never be passed into law:

My view is that if there is a way for politicians to screw things up then they 
Wikipedia thinks there is a potential problem:
and I think that the unintended consequences might do little more than make the 
lawyers fat(ter).

Wikipedia (and others) suggest that we write to our MEPs if we think there is 
issue.  Hopefully our MEPs aren't stupid, but if no-one tells them that we 
care, they 
may not even bother to vote.  Our MEPs can be contacted through:

Over to you!

        Terry Coles


[1] https://fullfact.org/factcheck/europe/eu_freedom_panorama-46045
[3] https://www.writetothem.com/
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