Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2024-03-05 Thread Hugh Frater
Meeting is open and ready for 8pm…. I’m pottering about so will come and
go. But I’ll leave the room open.

Sent from my iPhone

On Tue, 5 Mar 2024 at 19:20, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty via dorset <> wrote:

> On 05/03/2024 05:28, Terry Coles wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.
> >
> > The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open
> >
> >
> > Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
> > An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
> > bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.
> >
> > wget
> > -qhttps://
> >
> > chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage
> > ./jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage
> >
> >
> > I'm just about to set off for the Midlands, so won't be able to
> > attend.  See you next time.
> >
> > Don't forget that someone needs to log in to open the Meeting.
> >
> > --
> > Terry Coles
> I'll join at 8:30 as usual, and will open the meeting then if no one
> else has.
> Hamish
> --
>   Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2024-03-05 20:00
>   Check to whom you are replying
>   Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
>   New thread, don't hijack:
  Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2024-03-05 20:00
  Check to whom you are replying
  Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
  New thread, don't hijack:

Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2024-03-05 Thread Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty via dorset

On 05/03/2024 05:28, Terry Coles wrote:


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.

The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open

Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.


    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

I'm just about to set off for the Midlands, so won't be able to 
attend.  See you next time.

Don't forget that someone needs to log in to open the Meeting.

Terry Coles

I'll join at 8:30 as usual, and will open the meeting then if no one 
else has.


 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2024-03-05 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

[Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2024-03-04 Thread Terry Coles


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.

The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open

Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.

    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

I'm just about to set off for the Midlands, so won't be able to attend.  See 
you next time.

Don't forget that someone needs to log in to open the Meeting.

Terry Coles

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2024-03-05 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2024-02-06 Thread Peter Merchant

Looks like it's not happening.  I'll see you next month.
Cheers all.

On 05/12/2023 13:08, Terry Coles wrote:


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.

The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2024-02-06 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2023-12-05 Thread Peter Merchant

Not going to make it, running way behind on jobs.   Two questions I was going 
to ask about:

1] anybody heard of this company 'Strong'?

2] Smart meters. I always keep refusing them because EON insists that I move to 
SEG (Smart Export Guarantee)  but I think having been looking it up that SEG 
only replaces the 'Deemed Export' part of my Feed In Tariff and I still have to 
send in my Generated Value to the company that processes it. (Good Energy).   
So after I get a smart meter I still get the FIT payment and also a SEG 
payment. Is that correct?  I had thought that SEG replaced everything.

Have a good evening.

On 05/12/2023 13:08, Terry Coles wrote:


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.

The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open

Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.

    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

I may not be there myself; we have just lost a very good friend and a lot of my 
time is taken up with dealing with things that need sorting as a result.  If I 
feel up to it, I may pop in for a short time.

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-12-05 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

[Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2023-12-05 Thread Terry Coles


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.

The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open

Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.


    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

I may not be there myself; we have just lost a very good friend and a 
lot of my time is taken up with dealing with things that need sorting as 
a result.  If I feel up to it, I may pop in for a short time.

Terry Coles

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-12-05 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2023-09-05 Thread Hugh Frater
The room is open, I was the first one there so I’ve signed in.

Sent from my iPhone

On Tue, 5 Sep 2023 at 15:11, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty via dorset <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have something else to attend as well, so I will be joining the LUG a
> little later at around 8:30.
> As I preciously mentioned, someone with a Google, GitHub, or Facebook
> account will need to set up the call.
> Hamish
> On 5 September 2023 12:37:16 BST, Terry Coles 
> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.
> >
> >The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open
> >
> >
> >Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
> >An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
> >bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.
> >
> >wget -qhttps://
> >chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage
> >./jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage
> >
> >
> >I'll see you there.
> >
> >--
> >Terry Coles
> >
> >
> >--
> > Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-09-05 20:00
> > Check to whom you are replying
> > Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
> > New thread, don't hijack:
> --
>   Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-09-05 20:00
>   Check to whom you are replying
>   Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
>   New thread, don't hijack:
  Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-09-05 20:00
  Check to whom you are replying
  Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
  New thread, don't hijack:

Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2023-09-05 Thread Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty via dorset

I have something else to attend as well, so I will be joining the LUG a little 
later at around 8:30.

As I preciously mentioned, someone with a Google, GitHub, or Facebook account 
will need to set up the call.


On 5 September 2023 12:37:16 BST, Terry Coles  wrote:
>The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.
>The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open
>Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
>An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
>bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.
>    wget 
>    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage
>    ./jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage
>I'll see you there.
>Terry Coles
> Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-09-05 20:00
> Check to whom you are replying
> Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
> New thread, don't hijack:
  Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-09-05 20:00
  Check to whom you are replying
  Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
  New thread, don't hijack:

[Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2023-09-05 Thread Terry Coles


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.

The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open

Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.


    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

I'll see you there.

Terry Coles

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-09-05 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm.

2023-04-04 Thread Ralph Corderoy

It's looking unlikely I'll make it tonight.  Possibly because I'm not
much of a clock watcher and my day hasn't recently, bizarrely jumped
forwards an hour.  Still, that's another heart attack avoided.

There were a couple of interesting things I was going to point out.
Both Raspberry Pi related.

An interesting use of an RP2040 to monitor the GameBoy's bus to ship its
own version of what should be on the screen as a USB video-class device.
It emulates the instructions it can see the CPU fetching from the game

Turn a Pi Zero 2 W and one of their nifty new cameras into a USB OTG
web cam.

I might pop in very late, but it will probably all be over by then.

Cheers, Ralph.

  Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-04-04 20:00
  Check to whom you are replying
  Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
  New thread, don't hijack:

Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm.

2023-04-04 Thread Terry Coles

On 04/04/2023 16:21, CA Wills wrote:
Sorry will not be on tonight as we have a busy day today and off up to 
Northampton and return tomorrow so an early start.  Have a good 
meeting and hope you are both well.

OK.  Thanks for letting us know.

The last time I went to Northampton (two weeks ago) I intended to return 
cross-country via Andover.  This has multiple benefits for me; it's 
shorter, the road speeds are lower (and so doesn't hammer the battery in 
my Leaf), plus there are several new chargers around Andover.  It also 
misses the horrendous roadworks on the M3.  The only problem is that I 
got about halfway down the A343 (Newbury to Andover) and the road was 
closed.  I had 20 miles left in the battery with 10 miles to go and had 
to return the A34 which left me with approx 15 miles in the battery with 
25 miles to go to Andover via the A303.  As a result, I was forced to 
carry on to the nearest rapid charger on the A34 and rolled in with 7 
miles left.

Then I had go through the horrendous roadworks on the M3.

Off to CH next Wednesday so got to get the car cleaned and sorted 
ready to pack next Tuesday: back late May so will miss that meeting as 

Have a good time.

Terry Coles

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-04-04 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

[Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm.

2023-04-04 Thread Terry Coles


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.

The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open

Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.


    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

I'll see you there.

Terry Coles

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-04-04 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

[Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2023-03-07 Thread Terry Coles


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.

The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open

Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.

chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

I'll see you there.

Terry Coles

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-03-07 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

[Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2022-10-04 Thread Terry Coles


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 pm using Jitsi.

Simply click on the following link and you will be taken to the Meeting
using your default browser:

Chrome or Chromium are probably better than Firefox for using Jitsi.  An
alternative to installing one of those two is to obtain it bundled 

for Jitsi from:

This should be as simple as

    wget -q
    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

and then entering ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.

Hope to see you all this evening.

Terry Coles

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2022-10-04 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2022-09-06 Thread CA Wills
Sorry, will not be with you tonight as we leave for CH at 5am driving to 
Tunnel for the crossing.  Will not be with you next month either so see 
you in November.

Have a good meeting.

On 06/09/2022 16:03, Terry Coles wrote:


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 pm using Jitsi.

Simply click on the following link and you will be taken to the Meeting
using your default browser:

Chrome or Chromium are probably better than Firefox for using Jitsi.  An
alternative to installing one of those two is to obtain it bundled 

for Jitsi from:

This should be as simple as

    wget -q
    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

and then entering ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.

Hope to see you all this evening.

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2022-09-06 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

[Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2022-09-06 Thread Terry Coles


The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 pm using Jitsi.

Simply click on the following link and you will be taken to the Meeting
using your default browser:

Chrome or Chromium are probably better than Firefox for using Jitsi.  An
alternative to installing one of those two is to obtain it bundled 

for Jitsi from:

This should be as simple as

    wget -q
    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

and then entering ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.

Hope to see you all this evening.

Terry Coles

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2022-09-06 20:00
 Check to whom you are replying
 Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
 New thread, don't hijack:

[Dorset] Next Meeting - Tonight at 8pm

2022-02-01 Thread Terry Coles

The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 pm using Jitsi.

Simply click on the following link and you will be taken to the Meeting 
using your default browser:

Chrome or Chromium are probably better than Firefox for using Jitsi.  An 
alternative to installing one of those two is to obtain it bundled especially 
for Jitsi from:

This should be as simple as

wget -q
chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

and then entering ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.

Hope to see you all this evening.


Terry Coles

  Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2022-02-01 20:00
  Check to whom you are replying
  Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...
  New thread, don't hijack: