Re: [Dorset] How can I tell if my Router is 'Seeing' Legitimate Connection Attempts from the Internet

2024-05-13 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Terry,

> they both returned eventually with connection refused (Connection timed
> out in each case)

‘Connection refused’ is a different error to ‘Connection timed out’.

- You knock at my door.  I refuse to open it.
- You knock at my door.  You don't hear the knock.

Cheers, Ralph.

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Re: [Dorset] How can I tell if my Router is 'Seeing' Legitimate Connection Attempts from the Internet

2024-05-12 Thread Terry Coles

On 12/05/2024 19:04, Terry Coles wrote:

nothing in the dump that made any sense to me.  I'm loth to post the
whole dump here, although as you say a lot has already been exposed.

I've fixed it.  I looked again at the settings for my router, which
apparently has two ways of defining Port Forwarding.  I used the wrong
way, although the result looks exactly the same.


Thanks for all your help.  The next step is to deploy it to the WMT on

Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] How can I tell if my Router is 'Seeing' Legitimate Connection Attempts from the Internet

2024-05-12 Thread Terry Coles

On 12/05/2024 18:30, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

So you should try comparing a port you expect your router to be
listening on, the VPN TCP port, and a port which you expect to have
nothing listening on it, 54321 in my example above.

OK.  There are two ports defined for the Internal and External ports;
the same two are used on each side.  When I try the telnet command with
these; neither reply at all, eg no connection refused, just hung up
until a Ctrl C is issued.  Does that mean those ports are not actually open?

If both give ‘connection refused’ then your router is not accepting
incoming VPN TCP port connections.  But if the VPN ones don't
immediately fail with that error and the other ones do then the router
is willing to do something.  Then you have to work out what, e.g. is the
next hop getting the incoming packet from the router?  tcpdump(1) can
help there, as we've probably discussed before.

When I tried the above again with tcpdump running in another terminal,
they both returned eventually with connection refused (Connection timed
out in each case), with lots of traffic being captured.  I could see
nothing in the dump that made any sense to me.  I'm loth to post the
whole dump here, although as you say a lot has already been exposed.

Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] How can I tell if my Router is 'Seeing' Legitimate Connection Attempts from the Internet

2024-05-12 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Terry,

> > > $ telnet -4 54321
> > > Trying
> > > telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
> > > $
> I get exactly the same result when I try to telnet into my static IP
> address.

So you should try comparing a port you expect your router to be
listening on, the VPN TCP port, and a port which you expect to have
nothing listening on it, 54321 in my example above.

If both give ‘connection refused’ then your router is not accepting
incoming VPN TCP port connections.  But if the VPN ones don't
immediately fail with that error and the other ones do then the router
is willing to do something.  Then you have to work out what, e.g. is the
next hop getting the incoming packet from the router?  tcpdump(1) can
help there, as we've probably discussed before.

> my power adapters failed, so I am now using a WiFi Extender with an
> Ethernet port.  Could that have any bearing?

Not obviously, to me.  Move the VPN hosting machine closer to the
router, if you're in doubt.

> from my PC on

If that's your PC then your public IP address probably ends in 167 and
you've already made it public through the header fields of your email.
Just in case that makes it easier to say what you're trying to do and
the port numbers involved.

Cheers, Ralph.

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Re: [Dorset] How can I tell if my Router is 'Seeing' Legitimate Connection Attempts from the Internet

2024-05-12 Thread Terry Coles

On 12/05/2024 16:46, Terry Coles wrote:

$ telnet -4 54321

 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

I'm not sure what all that means.  The American author of the code has

I've just worked out what Ralph was saying, and I get exactly the same
result when I try to telnet into my static IP address.

This all worked four years ago when I was testing the server
installation prior to deployment at WMT.  The only difference between
the setup then and the setup now, is that back then I was using mains
power signalling adapters to get an Ethernet connection to my workshop. 
Sometime between then and now, my power adapters failed, so I am now
using a WiFi Extender with an Ethernet port.  Could that have any
bearing?  I can ping and ssh into the server on (the static
IP of the server on the router side) from my PC on

Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] How can I tell if my Router is 'Seeing' Legitimate Connection Attempts from the Internet

2024-05-12 Thread Terry Coles

This should have gone to the List instead of to Ralph!!!


On 12/05/2024 14:50, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

- Is the pong coming from the router?
- Does it have a ‘pong’ configuration which is currently on?

I couldn't find anything in the Router's setup to enable or disable pings.

 - If switched to off, do the pong's cease?
- If you unplug the router from the Internet or turn it off, do the
   pong's stop?


b.  Attempt to connect to the VPN Server which is connected to my home


Does the attempt work?


The router might be getting a continual stream of packets.  Logging
those would take a lot of space.  Perhaps it doesn't know the particular
ones of interest to you.  It depends on the router and how configurable
it is.

Yes.  The Help isn't very helpful in this respect.

If you attempt to connect to a TCP port at the static IP address which
is not being listened to, do you get a ‘connection refused’?  If so and
you don't get one for your VPN port then you've reached something which
is listening.  That might be the router forwarding it on.

 $ telnet -4 54321
 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

I'm not sure what all that means.  The American author of the code has
woken up now and is also trying to help with the VPN configuration.  He
has concluded that the network must be at fault, so we've arrived at the
same point.  This setup worked once, 4 years ago when I originally built
and tested the server prior to installation at WMT.


Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] How can I tell if my Router is 'Seeing' Legitimate Connection Attempts from the Internet

2024-05-12 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Terry,

> 1.  My static IP Address to the Internet is what my router says it is
> (established using
> 2.  I can successfully ping my static IP Address from another device
> not on the same network.

- Is the pong coming from the router?
- Does it have a ‘pong’ configuration which is currently on?
- If switched to off, do the pong's cease?
- If you unplug the router from the Internet or turn it off, do the
  pong's stop?

> The Router logs show no activity when I:
> a. Ping the IP Address from another device not on the same network.
> b.  Attempt to connect to the VPN Server which is connected to my home
> network.

Does the attempt work?

> Port forwarding is set up to allow this, but I would have expected the
> Router to detect the attempt anyway.
> Any ideas?

The router might be getting a continual stream of packets.  Logging
those would take a lot of space.  Perhaps it doesn't know the particular
ones of interest to you.  It depends on the router and how configurable
it is.

If you attempt to connect to a TCP port at the static IP address which
is not being listened to, do you get a ‘connection refused’?  If so and
you don't get one for your VPN port then you've reached something which
is listening.  That might be the router forwarding it on.

$ telnet -4 54321
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Cheers, Ralph.

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