Re: [Dorset] Low voltage power supply barrel connectors

2023-12-30 Thread Peter Merchant

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Re: [Dorset] Low voltage power supply barrel connectors

2023-12-30 Thread Peter Merchant

On 28/12/2023 19:20, Peter Merchant wrote:

My son has a Facebook Portal and his kids have mangled the barrel connector 
that connects power to it. Does anyone know of a chart that gives part numbers 
or anything similar for barrel connectors. We have determined that it is 5.5mm 
O.D, and we have an unlabelled drill bit that just fits the inside hole, but 
trying to find the right one to order is stumping me.

Please come back Radio shack.


Final result: I have a basic gauge on my crescent wrench, and judging by a 
drill bit that fit snuggly, the result is O.D. 5.5mm, I.D. 2mm. and I notice in 
the Wikipedia thing that Ralph suggested that the standard is I.D 2.1mm so that 
could be it.   I had thought in the past that the size  was also related to the 
voltage of the plug, but though there are some that mention voltages, many 

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Re: [Dorset] Low voltage power supply barrel connectors

2023-12-29 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Peter,

> Does anyone know of a chart that gives part numbers or anything
> similar for barrel connectors. is along
those lines.

> We have determined that it is 5.5mm O.D, and we have an unlabelled
> drill bit that just fits the inside hole, but trying to find the right
> one to order is stumping me.

That list of standard sizes has two IEC Type A and one EIAJ with
5·5 mm O⌀.  Internal diameters are 2.1, 2.5, and 3.4 mm.  You might be
able to eyeball 0.4 mm difference when placing the drill bit against a
ruler.  Or get drill bits of known close size, e.g. 2, 2.5, and 3 mm,
and judge by finger and thumb tips.  If you've done too much manual
labour, find someone with soft hands and have them do repeated blind
tests until they're consistent.

I'd bet a little on Tim's resource being right and it's 2.5 mm.

Cheers, Ralph.

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Re: [Dorset] Low voltage power supply barrel connectors

2023-12-28 Thread Tim
Having had a quick look I found 2 things, one was a simple comment that 
it is 5.5mm OD and 2.5mm ID. In the article that was written in there 
was nothing that would support that sizing, no model number, nothing to 
say he bought one and it was correct, so best take that with a pinch of 
salt. Secondly there a lot of replacement power supplies for the 
Facebook portal available on Amazon these list the model numbers of the 
portal that each PSU will be compatible with. Just Google (or 
DuckDuckGo) Facebook Portal Power Connectors and you get quite a few. 
Hope it helps

Tim H

On 28/12/2023 19:20, Peter Merchant wrote:
My son has a Facebook Portal and his kids have mangled the barrel 
connector that connects power to it. Does anyone know of a chart that 
gives part numbers or anything similar for barrel connectors. We have 
determined that it is 5.5mm O.D, and we have an unlabelled drill bit 
that just fits the inside hole, but trying to find the right one to 
order is stumping me.

Please come back Radio shack.


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Re: [Dorset] Low voltage power supply barrel connectors

2023-12-28 Thread Stephen Wolff
This kind of thing comes with loads of different barrel connectors (and a power 

On 28 Dec 2023, at 19:20, Peter Merchant wrote:

> My son has a Facebook Portal and his kids have mangled the barrel connector 
> that connects power to it. Does anyone know of a chart that gives part 
> numbers or anything similar for barrel connectors. We have determined that it 
> is 5.5mm O.D, and we have an unlabelled drill bit that just fits the inside 
> hole, but trying to find the right one to order is stumping me.
> Please come back Radio shack.
> Peter
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