On 11.04.2019 13:25, James via dovecot wrote:
On 11/04/2019 11:43, Marc Roos via dovecot wrote:

A. With the fail2ban solution
   - you 'solve' that the current ip is not able to access you

It is only a solution if there are subsequent attempts from the same address.  I currently have several thousand addresses blocked due to dovecot login failures.  My firewall is set to log these so I can see that few repeat, those that do repeat have intervals of >1 week. Blocking these has minimal effect (other than to clog fail12ban and the firewall).

   - it will continue bothering other servers and admins

Which is why a dnsbl for dovecot is a good idea.  I do not believe the agents behind these login attempts are only targeting me, hence the addresses should be shared via a dnsbl.

Probably there's an existing solution for both problems (subsequent attempts and dnsbl):


It was also discussed recently on this list:


Has already been on my personal todo list for some time, so I have no experience how (good) it actually works.


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