Fedora 7
Dovecot version 1.0.1

Hi All,

I've been using a combination of getmail/Dovecot/Squirrelmail for a while
now and its all been fine. However, last week when trying to demonstrate how
to use Squirrelmail to my wife, her login failed. I then tried mine, which I
had used many times before and it also fails.

Looking in the logs, Dovecot appears to be trying to add a domain name
against the login, instead of just checking that user against the UNIX
logins of my machine. I thought at first this was because when I'm away from
home, I use a no-ip address to access my mailserver, but it also fails when
I'm in the house, or even on the server console.

dovecot: Jul 12 12:04:56 Info: imap-login: Aborted login: user=<
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, method=PLAIN, rip=::ffff:, lip=::ffff:, secured
dovecot: Jul 12 12:10:00 Info: pop3-login: Login: user=<rick>, method=PLAIN,
rip=::ffff:, lip=::ffff:, secured

Anybody any idea how to rectify this? I can't see an option in the
/etc/dovecot.conf file to stop it and using auth_default_realm =
doesn't seem to make any difference. If I telnet into dovecot using my local
username and password, it works fine.

Any advice would be most welcome before I break it fiddling.



The Truth is out there, does anyone have the URL?

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