Could someone suggest what the solution here is? Dovecot is terminating
the connection to Gnus after a certain period of activity. It's my own
mail server so no need to worry about "hogging resources". Should/could
Dovecot be configured to keep the connection alive, or should Gnus be
programmed to automatically reopen the conneection? The current problem
that one can not leave an IMAP group if the connection is cut by the

Here is the text posted and replied to on the gnus usenet:

| I have the same problem as the article I link and reproduce below. Is
| there a way to get Gnus to keep an IMAP session open without using a
| daemon to check for all new messages regularly?
| ,----
| | Subject:    Gnus closing imap connection
| | List-id:    "Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet 
newsreader \(in English\)" <>
| | 
| | My IMAP connection closes and Gnus does not reopen it. I have to go to
| | the "servers buffer" and do "O" to reopen. Then in a while it closes
| | again.
| | 
| | In the " *nnimap* localhost" buffer I see this:
| | 
| | ===
| | * BYE Disconnected for inactivity.^M
| | - Peer has closed the GNUTLS connection
| | 
| | Process imap finished
| | ===
| | 
| | Any idea how to fix it?
| | 
| | 
| | -- 
| | vedm
| | 
| | 
| | 
| `----

| Same here...there is only line like:
| "dovecot: 2008-01-31 08:50:38Info: IMAP(gour): Disconnected for
| inactivity"
| in dovecot's log.
| Any workaround is appreciated...
| Sincerely,
| Gour

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