Sky Map will be the first of 3 astronomy-oriented searches based on the Your
Sky website: I first tried to combine the
3 searches as 1, but the options got ridiculously complicated.

The sky map shows the entire sky as viewed from a given location, time, and
date. A stereographic projection is used, as is the convention for printed
star maps.

To make a sky map, enter the latitude and longitude of your observing site.
Specify "South" and "West", if you don't want to enter negative
latitude/longitude numbers. Your Sky will deliver a map showing the sky
above the location you specified at the current time. Specify the date/time
in universal or Julian form to get the view at a specific time. On the
destination page you can enter different dates and times, observing
locations, display options, and orbital elements of asteroids and comets you
wish to track. If you don't know your latitude and longitude, you can
specify them by entering a nearby city or location.

The next 2 searches will do the view from the horizon and the view toward
specific celestial coordinates or objects.

My hard drive is back up at home. So, if you all love it, I'll check it into
CVS from home.

Gregory Krohne

Attachment: skymap.xml
Description: Binary data

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