Hi JB,

In the preferences file (and thus able to be overridden in
localprefs.js) there is (or should be... I didn't find one in my
preferences.js) a setting for which app to use to edit the different
config files.
They look like this in my localprefs.js:
cssEditorExe="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
configureEditorExe="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
How about yours?

Of course! Totally braindead of me. I installed on a new machine, then
copied over my local prefs and aliases forgetting that the refereed to
editor was not installed on the other machine.

Thanks for picking that up for me. Perhaps the error messaging could be more
informative in this case and check for the existence of the referred to
editor first and most a message is it does not exist.

Cheers, Tom.

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