Hello all,

> It comes with one option - "/trim" which will trim the
> spaces from the ends of every line of the text on the
> clipboard before it sorts the values (no, it doesn't put
> them back ;)).
> More code to come.

I modified it a bit to include another ability I use - exclusivity in
lines. Adding the switch "/1" will force the results to include any
particular line only once. It can work in unison with "/trim" to
eliminate all duplicate lines and extra spaces during the sort.

I also fixed the category - changed it to Functions from


Shawn K. Hall

'// ========================================================
   "It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for
    what you are not."
      -- Andre Gide
<search function="qscb">
  <name>VB Script - QuickSort Clipboard</name>
    QuickSorts every line of text on the clipboard and 
    places it back onto the clipboard.<br />
    <div class="helpboxDescLabels">Usage:</div>
    <table class="helpboxDescTable">
      <tr><td>qscb <strong>[/trim]</strong></td></tr>
    <div class="helpboxDescLabels">Switches:</div>
    <table class="helpboxDescTable">
      <tr><td>/trim</td><td> - </td><td>Trim each line before sort</td></tr>
      <tr><td>/1</td><td> - </td><td>Include any specific line only once</td></tr>
    <div class="helpboxDescLabels">Example:</div>
    <table class="helpboxDescTable">
      <tr><td>qscb /trim</td></tr>
  <contributor>Shawn K. Hall</contributor>
  <form name="qscbf"
    <input type="hidden" name="q" value="" />
    <textarea name="vbscode" style="display: none;"><![CDATA[

Dim q, qbTrim, qbSingle
q = document.qscbf.q.value
If InStr( 1, q, "/trim", 1) > 0 Then
  qbTrim = True
  qbTrim = False
End If
If InStr( 1, q, "/1", 1) > 0 Then
  qbSingle = True
  qbSingle = False
End If
Call QuickSortClipboard( qbTrim, qbSingle )

Sub QuickSortClipboard( bTrim, bSingle )
  Dim a, s, lIter
  a = Split( ClipBoardGetText, vbCrLf )
  If bTrim Then
    For lIter = LBound( a ) To UBound( a )
      a(lIter) = Trim( a(lIter) )
  End If
  Call QuickSortA( a, LBound( a ), UBound( a ) )
  s = Join(a, vbCrLf)
  If bSingle Then
    s = SortSingle( s )
  End If
  Call ClipBoardSetText( s )
  Erase a
End Sub
Public Function SortSingle(sValues)
  Dim sBuild, lIter, sLine, Values, Min, Max
  Values = Split(sValues, vbCrLf)
  Min = LBound(Values)
  Max = UBound(Values)
  sLine = ""
  For lIter = Min To Max
    If sLine = Values(lIter) Then
      Values(lIter) = ""
      sLine = Values(lIter)
    End If
  sBuild = Join(Values, vbCrLf)
  While InStr(1, sBuild, vbCrLf & vbCrLf, 1)
    sBuild = Replace(sBuild, vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)
  SortSingle = sBuild
End Function
Sub QuickSortA( ByRef Values, ByVal Min, ByVal Max )
  Dim sMed, sMedL, lHi, lLo, lIter
  If Min >= Max Then Exit Sub
  lIter = Min + Int( Rnd( Max - Min + 1 ) )
  sMed = Values( lIter )
  sMedL = LCase( Values( lIter ) )
  Values( lIter ) = Values( Min )
  lLo = Min
  lHi = Max
    Do While LCase( Values( lHi ) ) >= sMedL
      lHi = lHi - 1
      If lHi <= lLo Then Exit Do
    If lHi <= lLo Then
      Values( lLo ) = sMed
      Exit Do
    End If
    Values( lLo ) = Values( lHi )
    lLo = lLo + 1
    Do While LCase( Values( lLo ) ) < sMedL
      lLo = lLo + 1
      If lLo >= lHi Then Exit Do
    If lLo >= lHi Then
      lLo = lHi
      Values( lHi ) = sMed
      Exit Do
    End If
    Values( lHi ) = Values( lLo )
  Call QuickSortA ( Values, Min, lLo - 1 )
  Call QuickSortA ( Values, lLo + 1, Max )
End Sub
Function ClipBoardSetText( sText )
  ClipBoardSetText = window.clipboardData.SetData( "Text", sText )
End Function
Function ClipBoardGetText()
  ClipBoardGetText = window.clipboardData.GetData( "Text" )
End Function



  function qscb (q)
    document.qscbf.q.value = q;

  //get the vbs code
    var qscbt = "";
    qscbt = document.qscbf.vbscode.value;

  //remove CDATA prefix and trailer
    qscbt = qscbt.replace( /(\<\!\[CDATA\[)/g, '' ).replace( /(\]\]\>)/g, '' );

  //trim it
    qscbt = qscbt.replace(/^\s+/g, '' ).replace(/\s+$/g, '' );

  //run the script
    window.execScript( qscbt, "vbscript" );

    return ( true );

	Copyright (c) 2002 David Bau
	Distributed under the terms of the
	GNU Public License, Version 2 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt)

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