Title: Disabled searches
Hmm.  Does anyone know... is SF mail having problems?  I haven't received a message from the Announce list in months (not even when a file is posted to CVS).  And I sent the message below to the DEV list last Wednesday (4/21).  I never got a reply and it doesn't show up in the DEV archives.  I just checked and I am still subscribed to all 3 lists.
Anyhow... the question I really want answered is why doesn't the disable (disabledsearches.txt) feature not work from the help screen for me?  I open the help window, uncheck some searches and close the window, but the disabledsearches.txt file does not get updated.
Thanks guys,

Hey guys,

I finally got around to trying to try the batch file sent by Phil a while back to disable searches.  My problem is that I cannot get DQSD to write to the disabledsearches.txt file.  I should just open the help window, uncheck some searches and then closing the window should write the file out correct?


John W. Bairen, Jr.

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