Hello list
  I've put together a small search that uses a serverside app called
WebPoll to show the timings of 'objects' on a webpage. I wrote it for work
purposes (I work for the site owners WebPerform and it made sense to add it
to the toolbar as i use both frequently) and thought i'd share it
considering how useful the other searches have been to me.

If anything needs to be modifed to make it more useful or any
improvements/fixes need to be put in all feedback is welcome.

Profanity is the one language all programmers understand
--- Anon
<search function="webpoll">
  <name>WebPerform Webpoll</name>
    Webpoll displays a graph illustrating the timings of the objects on a web page.<br/>
    <div class="helpboxDescLabels">Example:</div>
    <table class="helpboxDescTable">
  		<tr><td>webpoll www.google.com</td></tr>
  		<tr><td>webpoll slashdot.com</td></tr>
  		<tr><td>webpoll http://www.perl.com</td></tr>
  <form name="webpollf"
    <input type="hidden" name="url"/>
    function webpoll(q)
      if( nullArgs("webpoll", q) )
        return false;
        document.webpollf.url.value = q;

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