I have a few suggestions for the fe (file extensions) search
Currently, if a file extension is specified for the search, that doesnt match a single letter or number, 'sym', or 'num', the search calls nullargs to display the help popup '?' instructions.. 
I suggest making the search use the first letter of the specified file extension if it doesnt match the sym or num arguments.   There is probably a slicker way of doing this, but I did it as follows: 
  function fe(q)
      if( nullArgs("fe",q) )
        return false;
        q = q.toLowerCase();
        if ( /^[a-z]$/i.test(q) || ( q == 'sym' ) || ( q == 'num' ) )
          openSearchWindow("http://www.filext.com/" + q + ".htm");
          openSearchWindow("http://www.filext.com/" + q + ".htm");
Also I would remove the first word - "The" from the search <name> tags..   This will move the search into the alphabetical "F" category on the menu...

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