Hi Kylde,

> This bar is FANTASTIC!!!

Isn't it? <g>

> if I close it's bar, then reopen it at a later date, A)
> it has a title, cant this be changed to auto-hide "show
> text"?

I don't think so. If you open/close other deskbars you'll see they
behave the same way. :(

> ...the clock's tooltips for the date etc NEVER show when
> I hover over the clock? Below is the changes I've made,
> could I have some sort of refresh timing wrong?

I don't think so. In my experience, the tooltip only displays if the
deskbar has focus, but the search-box does not. This is 'rare' to say
the least, so I've never relied on it. With my resolution as high as
it is (and an extra monitor on my system) it's easy enough to dedicate
two lines and enough width to have it show the full date & time in the
box. This might work for you (I use two lines primarily for the very
long searches I use, which are mostly jsx and vbsx type things - that
may not be necessary for you).


Shawn K. Hall

'// ========================================================
   "I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go
    to hell in his own way."
      -- Robert Frost (1874-1963), 1935

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