
I am working to get Draco.Net set up with CVSNT and I seem to be running
into a few problems.  When I attempt to run a build, it fails due to
envionment issues.  CVSROOT and CVS_RSH environment vars are not found
regardless of who is running this service (domain account or local sys
account).  I can solve this by adding cvsnt.exe to the Draco bin folder;
however, the build trips up when issuing rlog commands.

Here is a sample of the cvs update command being issued by Draco.Net service:

"cvs.exe" -d:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/repositories/cvs -q rlog -N -b
-d>2004-09-22T12:39:37-0400 project

When this is run from Draco, I get the following:

Failed to process build 'dotNET'. The following exception occurred:
System.ApplicationException: Process "cvs.exe" error. Exited with status:
Failed. Command Details: "cvs.exe"
-d:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/repositories/cvs -q rlog -N -b
-d>2004-09-22T12:39:37-0400 dotNET Exit Code: 1. Stdout: Stderr: cvs rlog:
warning: unrecognized response `'ssh' is not recognized as an internal or
external command, ' from cvs server cvs rlog: warning: unrecognized
response `operable program or batch file. ' from cvs server cvs [rlog
aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) at
Draco.Core.Util.ProcessRunner.Run(StartInfo startInfo, String output) in
c:\draco-1.6.1-src\draco\draco.core\util\processrunner.cs:line 172 at
Draco.Core.Util.ProcessRunner.Run(StartInfo startInfo) in
c:\draco-1.6.1-src\draco\draco.core\util\processrunner.cs:line 117 at
Draco.Core.Scc.CvsRepository.GetModifications(DateTime sinceDate) in
C:\draco-1.6.1-src\draco\draco.core\scc\CvsRepository.cs:line 119 at
earliestModificationTime) in
C:\draco-1.6.1-src\draco\draco.core\runtime\BuildRunner.cs:line 378 at
Draco.Core.Runtime.BuildRunner.CheckForChanges(BuildType buildType,
Boolean& changesSinceLastBuild) in
C:\draco-1.6.1-src\draco\draco.core\runtime\BuildRunner.cs:line 288 at
Draco.Core.Runtime.BuildRunner.Start(BuildType buildType) in
C:\draco-1.6.1-src\draco\draco.core\runtime\BuildRunner.cs:line 206

When I run this command from the command line, I get "The parameter is
incorrect".  I am assuming this is from the rlog command option.  Since
the following command, without the ">", seems to work OK:

"cvs.exe" -d:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/repositories/cvs -q rlog -N -b
-d2004-09-22T12:39:37-0400 project

I am using:

cvs.exe =
draco.net service = beta
vs.net = 1.1 framework
windows 2000

Also, I am using SSH as my protocol.  I havent seen much info on this
approach.  My attempt to get this working is to set CVSROOT and CVS_RSH as
env variables and provide a link to plink.exe with the appropriate
switches.... Seems to work ok from the command line.

Any help is appreciated!



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