I had to do the simple repair to my T-4X before any further refurb activities - 
just to see what would happen.

The symptom was that in CW, I'd get a constant sidetone, key-down would only 
energize the t/r relay for about 1/8 of a second.  The rig seemed to operate 
normally in TUNE.  I suspected the 60 uF electrolytic cap in the mic 
amp/sidetone circuit (C132 - V9a) was open.  After re-capping both sections of 
that can, I fired everything up and was rewarded with normal operation on CW.

It seems that I have a sticky meter on the T-4X.  Anyone know of common 
problems/fixes involving the meter?  I haven't taken it apart yet.  How about 
anyone with an extra meter?

Thanks & 73,

Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

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