If he's interested in shortwave broadcast listening or DXing, one big 
difference is that the synchronous detector on the R-8B has selectable 
sidebands, so if one side of the signal is suffering interference from a
 nearby station, he can switch to the other.  The synchronous detector 
on the R-8 and the R-8A isn't sideband selectable.  Unlike some 
synchronous detectors, the one on the R-8B works quite well in my 

Hope this helps.


Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 00:40:37 +0000
From: k7...@comcast.net
To: drakelist@zerobeat.net
Subject: [Drakelist] Drake R-8 vs R-8b

A close friend who is facing some health challenges is considering a Drake R-8  
or a R-8B receiver, among others including a R-1000. FRG-7000.  What is the 
difference between the R-8 and R-8B when considering Drake?
Thank you   joe   k7mks

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