-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n038 --------------

    001 - Bob Krumhansl <bobkrum@er - Re: Dream request

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow
A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n038.1 ---------------

From: Bob Krumhansl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dream request
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 02:45:36 -0500
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>Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 02:33:03 -0500
>To: Christi Bryson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Bob Krumhansl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Dream request
>Hi Christi - I don't recall seeing this dream before, and do not have it
in the archive of dreams sent in during January. I did lose a couple
submissions in December when I accidentally wiped out my email directory so
accidental loses do happen. Did you email it to this same address?  Anyway,
I hope the following commentary can help.
>I feel that repetitive and very vivid dreams are of greatest value to the
dreamer because a message is trying to get through to the dreamer that is
of great importance to the inner self.  Once the dreamer realizes what it
is addressing, the dreams stop.  They rarely supply an easy answer to a
dilemma, but they do help the dreamer focus on an issue of concern. Anxiety
exists when we are unsure of a situation. Awareness and strategies to deal
with the situation help reduce or overcome the anxiety. Decisions we make
move us clearly in certain directions and away from uncertainty for better
or for worse. 
>You offer no details on your age or circumstances which may have an impact
on the message.  Clearly children, adolescents, and young adults usually
face a whole series of anxiety producing situations as they mature and make
choices on where their life is going in terms of career and relationship
choices. Seriously sick people with mental or physical ailments face very
real anxieties of a different nature.
>If your dream were mine, this is how I would see it:
>The theme of this dream is EXPLORATION. The exploration starts as that of
an inner structure - images of buildings usually reflect our body or life
situation - and is taking place in an environment of silence without much
interaction except that of an older wiser male figure. Houses and
particularly homes we have been in, reflect our family life or personal
development, school buldings reflect on education or relationship issues,
workplaces relate to workplace issues, hospitals to health issues and so on.  
>In this case, entrance is through a grand arched doorway of some public
event area perhaps a palace. It may be a reception of some kind. I am all
dressesed up in a "Ballgown" and the room is filled with elegantly dressed
males in "tails" but none seems to want to "play ball" with me! What does
this scenario remind me of?  Though it looks like they are talking, there
is no verbal communication which is an image of the appearance of
communication but the lack of any real verbal interchange. Could it be that
I am not really listening to the men in my life? Or are the men in my life
ignoring me no matter how much I try to grab their attention, even if I am
at my most glamorous or lavish? I am a woman in the dream, and I feel
somewhat out of place. This could be very positive, as I can make lots of
new friends, or intimidating, as I am an odd-person out in this crowd.
What might they be gathered for? I don't seem to know. I recognize one
person only, but don't seem to relate to him. Could this indicate a type of
relationship the dream is talking about? What does or did that person mean
to me?
>Before anything else happens here, I find myself with an elderly man who
seems to be guiding me down a concrete path past playing children and to a
set of stairs. Elderly folk usually symbolize a wiser more experience part
of myself.  I am moving of my own volition and with my own resources
walking forward step by step.  This path does not seem familiar, but is
clearly constructed and easy to follow. It is outdoors which deals with
external type relationships.  How do I feel about the playing children?
Would these be reflections of my childhood, visions of children I know, or
anticipation of children coming into my life?
>Usually steps going down indicate going into a deeper level of whatever.
In house dreams, they are indicative of moving into subconcious type of
concern areas. Stairs are types of bridges connecting one level with
another. These are in some sort of outdoor area where there is more freedom
of movement.  The elderly man is way ahead of me (in age, wisdom, and
experience for sure, as well as seemingly physically in the dream) and goes
down the stairs, passes the level area, and arises on the other side.
What's the difference between this side of the stairs and that side of the
stairs? What's the meaning of the "two feet" level area?  I have had dreams
of doorways, bridges, roads, and rivers with similar situations. Suddenly,
I see and realize that a "dome" of sorts is coming down on me as I follow
him, and my freedom to move around is in danger. Could this be symbolic of
a relationship I'm in or considering? Might it be a reflection of life
circumstances or conditions which are preventing me from leaving an area I
am in, intimidating me from crossing some sort of borderline, and emerging
in a different area that I need to make an effort to rise into?  The "dome"
feels restrictive and dangerous, but I also don't seem to know much about
it. I'm paralyzed by fear. Would the dome trap me or take me away? 
>I end up anxious about an ENTRAPMENT type of situation which some part of
me thinks I am moving into. Do I back up? Do I change directions? Do I move
forward? Can I move sideways? What are the risks? What are the benefits?
Can anyone help me? Where would I go for help?  How easy it would be if we
knew in advance the relationships that wouldn't hurt us or the career
choices that are not dead ends, or the decisions that will complicate our
lives in ways we would prefer they not! Lots of questions and only the
dreamer can provide the answers for their situation.
>Think about these things Christi as they apply to your life situation, and
I am sure this repetitive dream will stop, or at least move toward some
type of resolution. Thanks for helping me think about many of the issues in
my life brought up in your shared dream.
>Let me know if you feel this has helped you understand your message from
within any better.
>Bob Krumhansl
>At 06:26 AM 2/3/1999 -0600, you wrote:
>>Bob  - I submitted this to Eletric Dreams on January 14, 1999.  As of today
>>I have had no response.  I was wondering if you could interpretate this or
>>direct me to someone that could.  This dream has been reoccurring for the
>>past couple of weeks.  I appreciate any guideance that you may be able to
>>give me.
>>thanks.  Christi
>>: It is not very often, that when I do dream, that I ever remember what I
>>have dreamt.  This particular dream has stuck in the back of my mind for
>>weeks and anybody that has any thoughts on it would be appreciated.
>>: -dream-: I am walking through this grand arched doorway.  As soon as I
>>enter the room I notice that I am dressed in a lavish Ballgown.  Then I
>>turn my attention to the rest of the room.  There is a long table in the
>>middle of the room that looks like it belongs in a palace. Then I realize
>>that the people that are there are dressed in tails and they are all men.
>>Everyone looks like they are talking, but there is only silence.  There is
>>only one person that I recognize.
: The next thing I remember, I am
>>walking down this concreted path with a gentleman that is old enough to be
>>my grandfather.  We are walking along and I notice in the near distance
>>kids are playing.  We walk for a ways like he is leading me somewhere and
>>we come upon some stairs. I stop, but the gentleman continues.  I look at
>>the stairs and realize that they proceed downwards and level out for about
>>two feet and then there are more stairs that go up.  As soon as he gets to
>>the other side, I proceed down the stairs.  Then much to my suprise, with
>>every step I take there is this dome like thing starting to close over
>>head, just the length of the set of stairs.  I get to the two foot leveled
>>clearance, but the dome is not stopping.  I start to run up the other set
>>of stairs to try beat the closure of the dome.
: This is where I woke up.
>>I distinctly remember not one word was actually said throughout the whole
>>dream.  Can any one interpretate this for me?  I would really appreciate it.

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n038 ---------------

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