Hi all,
   I just got back from nine days away to find an e-bushel of fascinating
comments on the paper by Punamaki.
    I won't make any detailed methodological comments at this time, but I have
two comments I'd like the group to consider.
   1) Whatever problems there are in the study, Punamaki has certaiinly
gathered important data in  two more-or-less well-defined populations of
children and adolescents.  Could we expand this data-base?  Would ASD, with
its international membership, perhaps be able to gather  similar data sets in
various parts of the world. Ideally sets of dreams from carefully defined
populations of children, adols, and adults,  in areas judged to vary
systematically not only on high trauma vs low trauma, but perhaps on other
variables of interest to the world such as economic level,,
industrialization,, education etc.
   What I have in mind is a broad data-base that could be used to answer many
questions, not simply the ones about determinants of recall  etc 
    I  suggest this partly in my role as chair of the not-very-active ASD
research committee. However if there is interest in this as a possible  ASD
project ("2000 dreams for the year 2000" ?)  the methodology should be
carefully discussed ahead of time, and it should be led by someone much more
statistically sophisticated than I.

   2)  I was most intrigued by Kathy Belicki's comments, especially by the
data she mentions on betrayal, which appear to support the hierarchy
formulated by Alighieri, D (1319) in which  treachery (betrayal) iis the worst
evil, far worse than mere murder for instance. I'd  be interested in hearing
more  about this from Kathy or anyone else working on trauma.

   Best,    Ernest

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