I have two questions for you about the radeon driver.  

the first relates to the CP and accel.  I'm attempting to convert the
Xv code to use the CP.  how do you check to find out if the driver is
using CP or MMIO accel?  I considered using
info->directRenderingEnabled, but as far as I can see the radeon can
use the CP for accel even if the DRI is disabled.  It's probably
obvious, I'm just missing it.

secondly, is there a way we could switch to software rendering if the
total width or height of or all rendering windows is larger than 2048? 
Since we seem to be hw limited by that, it'd be nice if the driver
would just switch to software after 2048 rather than just showing a
blank window or in some cases locking up the video card.  It might be
too much of a pain in the butt though...



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