On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 07:25:08PM -0800, Allen Akin wrote:
> But to make this constructive, I think the best thing we can do is to
> generate a list of the state that people want to tweak.  There's a lot
> of low-level state, so it could be a *very* long list.  Once it exists,
> we'll have a better idea of how much work is involved, folks who are new
> to OpenGL can learn about the ways in which those things can misbehave,
> and we can decide whether the additional costs of implementation and
> handling difficult-to-reproduce bugs are worth it.

Ones I'd like to see:

- Default internal texture format (the thing which started this entire
  discussion to begin with, after all :)

- Dithering

- Anisotropic texture filtering

- Texture filtering in general (for example, forcing GL_LINEAR or

- Disabling particular extensions

- Whether a stencil buffer is actually available (like, to disable the
  stencil buffer entirely on the G200, rather than have software fallback)

- Maximum texture size

- Anti-aliasing (via multisampling or FSAA)


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