Hi there,

Since I've upgraded to XFree 4 (from 3.3.6 with Utah-glx) I experience
slowness with almost all GL apps
Quake III gave me 43 fps (800x600x32) with Xfree 3.3.6 utah-glx, and
only 35 with Xfree 4.

I'm now running DRI CVS (trunk from april 9th) code wich improves lots
of things (DGA, vidmode
selection, xmame for example runs fine now), but 3D stuff is slow,
soldier of fortune is not playable anymore, quake III give me slowdown
at some screens. Textures are sometimes distorted.

My problem config is :


vendor string:    The XFree86 Project, Inc
vendor release number:    40099001

Kernel 2.4.2

2 x PIII 450 with 768MB RAM
Running in 32bps mode ( tried 16 bit mode, makes things somewhat faster
but doesn't fix the slowdown at some quake and sof scenes)

can someone help me, cause I don't wanna go back to 4.0.3 or 3.3.6 :)

Thanks in advance

Bas van den Heuvel

PS:  I  include my Q3 console log here, where it barfs out some texture

Quake 3 log

GL_VENDOR: VA Linux Systems Inc.
GL_RENDERER: Mesa DRI G400 20010321 AGP 4x x86/MMX
GL_VERSION: 1.2 Mesa 3.4.1
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_tranpose_matrix GL_EXT_abgr
GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint
GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_histogram GL_EXT_packed_pixels
GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_object
GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_MESA_window_pos GL_MESA_resize_buffers
GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_PGI_misc_hints GL_SGIS_pixel_texture

PIXELFORMAT: color(24-bits) Z(24-bit) stencil(0-bits)
MODE: 4, 800 x 600 fullscreen hz:N/A
GAMMA: software w/ 0 overbright bits
rendering primitives: single glDrawElements
picmip: 1
texture bits: 0
multitexture: enabled
compiled vertex arrays: enabled
texenv add: disabled
compressed textures: disabled
Forcing glFinish
Initializing Shaders
...loading 'scripts/khaooohs.shader'
...loading 'scripts/yog3dm2.shader'
...loading 'scripts/wdw3team1.shader'
...loading 'scripts/veldrin.shader'
...loading 'scripts/flyingplutonians.shader'
...loading 'scripts/nunukciel04.shader'
...loading 'scripts/tim.shader'
...loading 'scripts/base.shader'
...loading 'scripts/base_button.shader'
...loading 'scripts/base_floor.shader'
...loading 'scripts/base_light.shader'
...loading 'scripts/base_object.shader'
...loading 'scripts/base_support.shader'
...loading 'scripts/base_trim.shader'
...loading 'scripts/base_wall.shader'
...loading 'scripts/common.shader'
...loading 'scripts/ctf.shader'
...loading 'scripts/eerie.shader'
...loading 'scripts/gfx.shader'
...loading 'scripts/gothic_block.shader'
...loading 'scripts/gothic_floor.shader'
...loading 'scripts/gothic_light.shader'
...loading 'scripts/gothic_trim.shader'
...loading 'scripts/gothic_wall.shader'
...loading 'scripts/hell.shader'
...loading 'scripts/liquid.shader'
...loading 'scripts/menu.shader'
...loading 'scripts/models.shader'
...loading 'scripts/organics.shader'
...loading 'scripts/sfx.shader'
...loading 'scripts/shrine.shader'
...loading 'scripts/skin.shader'
...loading 'scripts/sky.shader'
...loading 'scripts/test.shader'
...loading 'scripts/tom.shader'
...loading 'scripts/lunbase.shader'
...loading 'scripts/lun3dm1.shader'
...loading 'scripts/lae3dm1.shader'
...loading 'scripts/ik.shader'
...loading 'scripts/devdm3.shader'
...loading 'scripts/addict.shader'
...loading 'scripts/bal3corp.shader'
...loading 'scripts/gothic_button.shader'
...loading 'scripts/base_door.shader'
...loading 'scripts/museum.shader'
...loading 'scripts/gothic_door.shader'
----- finished R_Init -----
Loading vm file vm/ui.qvm.
VM file ui compiled to 937732 bytes of code
42 arenas parsed
32 bots parsed
Connected to a pure server.
Loading vm file vm/ui.qvm.
VM file ui compiled to 937732 bytes of code
42 arenas parsed
32 bots parsed
Loading vm file vm/cgame.qvm.
VM file cgame compiled to 904587 bytes of code
...loaded 4806 faces, 46 meshes, 43 trisurfs, 128 flares
CL_InitCGame: 12.81 seconds
264 msec to draw all images
Com_TouchMemory: 22 msec
Bas^7 entered the game
Crash^7 entered the game
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Crash^7 was gunned down by Bas^7
Crash^7: ^2Even the best of us make the occasional foot fault.
Crash^7 was gunned down by Bas^7
Crash^7: ^2So... you are up to what ... 3 frags an hour?
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload
Hit bound texture in upload

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