On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 06:28:55PM -0800, Allen Akin wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 02:21:30PM -0800, Ian Romanick wrote:
> | Remote indirect rendering is a problem no matter how you slice it.
> Well, maybe not if you handle preference-setting at the application
> level, rather than trying to do it at the library or driver levels.
> Then it can be dynamic, or there can be multiple sets of preferences for
> local vs. remote connections, or different preferences can be used
> simultaneously if the app has both types of connections open at the same
> time.

I believe that application level preference setting is the only reasonable
way to do it for remote rendering, modulo the wrapper library thread. :)

> | Here's another example that somebody just reminded me about.  Quite a few of
> | the "CAD" cards out there have ways to tune internal optimization
> | parameters.  These can be things as simple as what vertex format to prefer
> | (i.e., float colors vs. packed ubyte colors) ...
> I'm confused about this one.  Surely the driver knows which vertex
> formats are efficient.  Is this a space/time tradeoff hint that's given
> to the driver for controlling display-list compilation?  Or something
> more sophisticated?  Or a tool for optimizing benchmark results?

What's "fast" will depend on how the app uses the API.  For example, sending
packed ubyte colors my be faster for a given card, but if the app calls
glColor4f a lot, it may be faster to send float colors and avoid the
conversion from float to ubyte.  This isn't the best example (since the
driver could probably deduce the usage at run-time), but it's the right
general idea.

A lot of this stuff could be covered by some sort of extensions, but I doubt
that many apps (even the ones that could really benefit) would use them.

Smile!  http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap990315.html

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