
*Collection Authorization* issue is present in *DSpace - 7.6.1* when we try 
to give Authorization to particular collection.

The Steps I followed for Collection Authorization are

1. Created a community and collection, to that collection I wanted a user 
to get access to that collection except others and even I tried by creating 
the group and adding the user to that group.

2.  I tried giving Authorizations accordingly

*First way*  
Edit Collection --> Access Control  
Item's Metadata --> Replace access conditions --> openaccess
Bitstreams --> Replace access conditions --> administrator
So I tried this way where only the admin will be have the access to the 
After that I tried adding that particular user in the Authorizations Tab
Add --> Read access --> Type_custom --> Default_bistream_read --> e-person 
--> save
*Second Way*
Edit Collection --> Assign Roles --> Default Bitstream read access --> 
To that collection group I have added the e-person once and I tried and for 
the other time i added the group and tried both are not working
So by trying this way also I am unable to give the read access to the 

Whether I am making any mistake in the process.

Please guide me to resolve this issue.

Thanks & Regards
    Sai Kumar S

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