Hi All,

I've changed up the 1.7 Release Notes page somewhat --

Instead of a giant list of our hopefuls for getting into 1.7, I've split
things that have been done/commit-to-trunk into:
New Features, Improvements, Changes, Bug Fixes, Deprecations, and Unsure /

If your stuff is currently in the Unsure / Postponed section, please do an
action to address that. Most notably, those from *MIT *need to do something
about their projects.

Be sure to put an effort into getting your changes documented, and proof
over the docs/wiki so that your formatting isn't completely munged, and that
whatever is written makes the most sense, as much might be copy-pasted from
previous versions.

Peter Dietz
Systems Developer/Engineer
Ohio State University Libraries

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 3:21 AM, Peter Dietz <dietz...@osu.edu> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm very impressed with all the work thats been flowing into trunk, this is
> a new experience for me to watch happen, and its freaking awesome to witness
> all this work come together, and make its way into production for many many
> end users. Congratulations.
> That said, the time has passed for us to add any more untested code into
> what we'll be "shipping" as our next release. We've hit our October 22
> feature freeze milestone. So, the features that have been committed thus
> far, are what we'll be putting our stamp of approval on. There is still time
> to add fixes and improvements, but lets not add anything new to the
> system. That means we must test, debug, report issues, and fix what we've
> got thus far. I still hope that our Wizard of Performance Enhancements --
> Graham Triggs will keep on QAplugging away at the code, 13000 more to go.
> Everyone else, your work is definitely noticed and appreciated. Thank you.
> Upcoming Dates:
> 2010-Oct-29 == Documentation Due Date
> 2010-Nov-8-12 == RC1 - Test-A-Thon
> 2010-Dec-03 == RC2 Testing
> 2010-Dec-6-15 == Final Testing
> 2010-Dec-17 == Release of 1.7 to the general public
> == Documentation ==
> The action required of all of us now is to do some quick QA to make sure
> that what we've submitted/committed works, and if it requires documentation
> to make sure that you add it to the wiki so that someone will be able to use
> it properly. In the past, Jeff would automagically create documentation and
> add it. However, it should be easy enough to add the necessary documentation
> so go ahead and do that, and our documentation gardeners (Jeff) will pass
> thru to ensure quality.
> == Test-A-Thon ==
> The week of SPARC / DSUG2010 (Baltimore,MD,USA) is 1.7.RC1 testathon.
> I will send out an announcement to the general list letting all of the
> repository managers know what we'd like help with. I'm hoping to add an
> intermediary feedback system to make it easy for a tester to report their
> issues without having to go through the effort of creating a Jira ticket.
> Perhaps something temporary that we can convert to Jira tickets if they're
> important enough.
> == Conclusion ==
> One thing we've learned from 1.6 is that we don't want to branch into
> /dspace/branch/dspace-1.7.x too soon. Otherwise the effort duplicates, and
> we have to commit to both /trunk and /branch/1.7.x. This essentially means
> that new features will have to be stashed on some outside branch, or
> locally, until after 1.7.0. The lesson learned is that 1.7 development
> didn't begin until months after 1.6.2. So we don't need to change our
> repository for 1.8 until 1.7 is in the bag, and we're ready to work on 1.8.
> Thank you all!!
> --
> Peter Dietz
> Systems Developer/Engineer
> Ohio State University Libraries
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