I have an item that is not being OCR'd or having it's thumbnail generated. 
I thought there might be an issue with the PDF, so I tried to delete the 
bitstream to re-add it. However, the page simply keeps loading after 
clicking the button to delete.

So, I tried to delete the entire item, but it does the same thing. The 
browser just keeps loading, and it never generates an error nor deletes the 

I checked the bitstream in the postgres database, and it shows it as


which notes that it is flagged deleted = TRUE, but the item and bitstream 
are still accessible in my web interface.

It looks like this item is corrupt. Is there a way to tell what is corrupt 
about it? If not, is there a way that I can delete the bitstream and/or 

Database URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dspace
Database Schema: public
Database Software: PostgreSQL version 9.4.17
Database Driver: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver version 42.2.1.jre7
DSpace version:  5.10
OS:  Windows Server 2012 R2(amd64) version 6.3
JRE:  Oracle Corporation version 1.8.0_171
Ant version:  Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.4 compiled on April 29 2014
Maven version:  3.2.5


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