Hi everyone,
I am using the release 6.3 and would like to modify the browse menu in 
JSPUI by adding an item (in my case, browsing by type document).
However, even reading the official documentation,  I didn't understand what 
the steps to take are. I tried this:

1) added webui.browse.index.5 = type:metadata:dc.type:text
 to dspace.cfg;
2) added browse.type.metadata.type = Document type to 
3) update SOLR indexes running [dspace]/bin/dspace index-discovery -b;
4) mvn package;
5) ant fresh_install;
6) stop Tomcat;
7) deploy new version of JSPUI;
8) start Tomcat.

After these step, browse menu becomes:

[image: menu.JPG]

And clicking on "???browse.menu.type???" ( which should have been "Document 
Type" instead) appears this

[image: Type.JPG]

Obviously I'm doing something wrong... 
Thanks in advance.

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