Unfortunately, bulk policy management did not make it into DSpace until the 
7.6 release.   This function allows you to retrospectively change the 
policy on all items and /or bitstreams ( a standard feature of DSpace 6).

./dspace/bulk-access-control -h
usage: bulk-access-control
 -e,--eperson <arg>   email of EPerson used to perform actions
 -f,--file <arg>      source json file
 -h,--help            help
 -u,--uuid <arg>      target uuids of communities/collections/items

See - https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC7x/Bulk+Access+Management

We have used scripts to programmatically update policies via SQL but this 
needs careful crafting.  I recommend upgrading to 7.6. 

 If an upgrade is problematic you could back-port from 


On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 3:07:09 AM UTC+11 Lucas Silveira wrote:

> Dear DSpace community,
> I am writing to request your assistance and guidance with a challenge we 
> are facing regarding the application of retroactive collection policies in 
> our DSpace repository.
> Currently, we are working with version 7.5 of DSpace and manage a 
> repository with approximately 50,000 deposits. We are seeking to implement 
> new access and restriction policies in our collections to ensure the 
> security and compliance of our repository. However, we have encountered 
> difficulties in applying these policies to old items already deposited in 
> our collections.
> While the policies are functioning as expected for new deposits, we have 
> been unable to find an effective way to retroactively apply these policies 
> and consistently enforce them on existing items in our collections. Our 
> attempts thus far have not been successful, and we are facing technical 
> hurdles in this process.
> We would like to leverage the expertise and experience of our DSpace 
> community to better understand best practices and possible solutions for 
> addressing this issue. If anyone has faced a similar challenge or has 
> insights on how to approach the application of retroactive collection 
> policies efficiently, we would greatly appreciate if you could share your 
> experiences and knowledge with us.
> Additionally, any documentation, guides, or related resources that could 
> assist us in this process would be extremely helpful.
> We sincerely appreciate your help and collaboration. We look forward to 
> hearing your suggestions and guidance on this matter.
> Warm regards,
> Lucas.

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