I tested this in development and it seems to work fine.  I made a request
to get rid of the identifier.uri and it was deleted, then I made a request
to insert it and it was able to match the item with the right handle.  I
think it determines the handle from the identifier.uri in the file and then
adds the metadata that is requested in the command line based on what's in
the file.  I quickly checked the code and that seems to be the way it
works. Could someone confirm that.  Many thanks! Jose

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 1:50 PM, Jose Blanco <blan...@umich.edu> wrote:

> In the past I have used itemupdate to update specific metadata.  So say I
> wanted to update a citation, i would do this:
> ./dspace itemupdate -e blan...@abc.edu -s /prep_area/citation_delete -d
> dc.identifier.citation 2>&1 | tee outfile_delete
> Once all the citations are delete, then I would do this to add the
> corrected citation:
> ./dspace itemupdate -e blan...@abc.edu -s /prep_area/citation -a
> dc.identifier.citation 2>&1 | tee outfile_add
> Now I would like to update identifier.uri  and since this is where the
> handle is kept, I don't think I can do it this way, right?  If I delete all
> the identifiler.uri's, then when I try to add it ( using the identifier.uri
> to identify the item ) how will it know what to replace.
> I could go into the db and issue a delete command for just the uris I'm
> interested in. but I'm afraid this might screw something up.
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you! Jose

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