Hi Fiona,

CC'd to the DSpace tech for any additional comments

> I sent this to the list last week but havent had any list digest since
> so I dont know if it got there.  This is a critical error for us.  We
> cannot upgrade the live site until we know what is causing this problem.
> We have upgraded from 1.3.1 to 1.4.1 and now find that the Browse by
> Date doesnt work i.e. the display is empty.  If I go into a collection
> and browse by Date I get results.  Has anyone else had this problem?

What message do you actually get when you try and browse by date?  If 
the page is actually blank then there has been an internal error of some 
description; if there are no dates indexed you will get a page which 
says "no entries in the index" or similar wording.

If the page is actually blank, you may find an error in your dspace.log 
file which can help us diagnose the problem; if you could forward any 
errors that you find to the dspace-tech list we may be able to diagnose 
it for you.

In the mean time, I would recommend updating from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2, as 
this fixed a number of bugs which may have an impact on your system.

And not to miss an opportunity to blow my own trumpet, you may consider 
trying out the new Browse code, which I have posted as a patch to 


Which will give you considerably more flexibility when allocating your 
browse indices.


Richard Jones            | t: +44 (0)20 759 [48614 / 41815]
Web & Database           | e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Technology Specialist  | b: http://chronicles-of-richard.blogspot.com/
Imperial College London  |

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